What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is an innovative, low-risk treatment that harnesses the power of concentrated lasers to decrease hair growth or eliminate it all together. At Renew Laser Clinic, we use Lumenis, Lightsheer Infinity machines in our laser hair removal procedures. This advanced hair removal system is preferred by physicians worldwide for its clinically proven safety and efficacy.

The Lightsheer is the ultimate system for laser hair removal. It is significantly more comfortable than the vast majority of laser hair removal treatments, and features a minimal amount of downtime and discomfort. Treatment with the Lightsheer is also extremely quick and easy — it takes only eight minutes to treat an entire back! Used for 10 years in the cosmetic industry, this laser has been proven to be both safe and effective for use in laser hair removal procedures.

How Does it Work?

During laser hair removal, a concentrated beam of light is directed at the treatment area. This light is absorbed by hair follicles, heating them, and damaging them. If a hair follicle is damaged enough, it can no longer produce hair. Once enough hair follicles have been damaged or destroyed, hair growth in the treatment area is significantly reduced, or sometimes stops entirely.

 What are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

Waxing, shaving, and tweezing can take up a significant portion of your daily hygiene routine and don’t help prevent future hair growth. Laser hair removal treatments can be as quick as twenty minutes or as long as two hours, and require ten treatments at the very most. Once these treatments are complete, patients experience significant decreases in hair growth for the rest of their lives.

Laser hair removal can be used on nearly any area of the body, including the:

Bikini Line

On top of this, the procedure carries an extremely low risk, and can help prevent the growth of both external and ingrown hairs.
More information, visiting http://www.starnewtech.com

