Fungus nails will bring you a special place,that is、、、

Six months ago, Ms. Wang had a lovely grandson, the whole family are very happy for that baby. Ms. Wang was also eager to take care of her grandson. But, the daughter-in-law refused her, and insisted on looking for a nanny. Why? It turned out that Ms. Wang has fungus nails, daughter-in-law feared her baby. We all know, it will infect.

Ms. Wang's fungus nails is over ten years. At the first time, only one, then slowly developed to all nails. Ms.Wang went to the hospital several times, and doctors said that it is not work only wiping some medicine. She was afraid of spending money, and fear that drugs will hurt her liver and body. So she gave up treatment, never be cured.

There are great harms of onychomycosis in life. According to some related reports, in recent years, it shows a rising tread of fugal nails. In China, there are 70% suffering from tinea mannitus (athlete's foot), of which 50% of these people suffering from leuconychia, and 80% of fungal gynecological diseases caused by fugal nails. For gradually multiply a common fungal infection, what we know more for that? According to some of the patients experiences, gray nails bring them a lot of inconvenience, and even miserable.

Mark, 26-year-old

Suffering from fugal nails for many years, still not be cured. And his girlfriend can not tolerate him, finally left him. He felt so hopeless. One day, he visited a good friend. At that day, his life changed. His friends knew a professional doctor for fungus nails, and he was also there. The doctor told Mark, now there is a new laser technology for fugal nails removal, named 980nm diode laser, which has a great effective. Later, Mark went the hospital to treat fungus nails with a 980nm diode laser, and he really succeed, never rebound. Now he found a good job, and married with his colleague. Now, he is full of confidence for life in the future.


Miss Wu, 22-year-old

Miss Wu was infected with onychomycosis by her roommate in college. After graduation, she was looking for work everywhere, but failed for her fungus nails. Finally arranged to teach geography class in a local high school. Some one told her do not let the school know she has the gray nails . But later, people found she has fungus nails, so she was fired. She was so sad and miserable for everything around her. One day, Miss Wu saw a text about there is a new technology, 980nm diode laser profession for fungus nails. She just wanted to try, and hoping there is a surprise for herself. Later, she went to professional clinic to treat, less than half a month, she was completely good, and the doctor told her it will not rebound. She was so excited and happy. And later through the competitive examination, she was a professional teacher in local secondary school.

So, I believe all of you want to know why 980nm diode laser has so powerful effect for fungus nails removal?

Yes, this is a special 980nm diode laser machine. 

980nm diode laser uses a strong laser which has a strong penetration tor fungal infection. This laser can effectively penetrate the deep nail to reach the fungal colony tissue proliferation, and the surface temperature of nails controlled in the 43-51 degrees, then then completely kill the bacteria, finishing the purpose of fungus nails removal. According to clinical experience, 980nm diode is efficient, safe, more permanent to onychomycosis.

Permanently removing the onychomycosis, 980nm diode laser is a good choice.

In addition, 980nm diode laser also can eliminate redness(vascular removal), underarm odor,  physiotherapy, fat dissolving. 

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