How to avoid rebounding after laser anti-freckle

      As we all know, facial spots will take some effect for people, especially for beautiful women. Not only affect their facial features, but also for some psychological burden. so no one wants to get rid of spots as soon as possible. Laser anti-freckle is very popular to remove spots. But, many people are worried about whether it will be rebounded. Next, Star New Tech will answer this trouble.

      The best anti-freckle equipment is main Q-switch and fractional laser devices. Which uses the principle of laser selectively absorb, taking effect on different skin tissue, the specific wavelength of the laser only affecting the spots. And do not affect the normal skin tissue. With the light, the stain will be vaporization decomposition, and then removing the body by metabolism. The laser anti-freckle is more better than the traditional method, not only for spots removal, but also for skin whitening.

     After treatment, the treatment areas may be black. Some people may think that is a rebound, which means the treatment is fail. But it is not true, this is the skin repaired after with the treatment. After the black appearing, the skin will automatically metabolic pigment deposition. That is, the re-emergence of the pigment will usually fade after 2-3 months. So if you want to try the laser anti-freckle, don’t worry about the rebound. Firstly, you can try to treat a small area to test if it will return to black.

     After laser anti-freckle treatment, it is not mean the end of everything. Pay more attention to the following,

 1. Sunscreen: In order to avoid the production of pigmentation after treatment, we        must protect the skin from the sun.

 2. Diet: After treatment, you should avoid eating copper, B vitamins and spicy foods, more VC and VA, such as fruits, vegetables.

 3. Wet compress: After treatment, cold immediately, or wet mask applied on the skin. This process must be gentle, to avoid friction of the skin.

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