5 misunderstandings for Laser Freckle Removal

   Nowadays, the laser beauty equipment is the new darling for beauty salons. Laser beauty has good result for freckle, scar removal , skin rejuvenation, weight loss and so on. But, most people are worried about whether the laser will cause harm to the skin or with potential side effects.


 1. Are there serious damage to the eyes?
Of course not. Although the working principle of the laser is to use bright light, patients and doctors will wear special protective laser glasses. The glasses are an efficient and safe goggles, which can protect the eyes from the laser light. Therefore, the eyes without any harms.

2. Much painful, unbearable.

In the process of laser freckle removal surgery, patients will feel a bit of pain, just like acupuncture, which can endure, and without anesthetics. If patients feel pain, doctor can use cold gel, with good result for stopping pain.


3. After surgery there will be pigmentation.

About pigmentation,this is a problem people pay attention to more. As long as with the protective measures after surgery, the probability of occurrence is almost zero.

4, After surgery there will be left scar.

As long as the energy to choose the right, the risk of damage to the skin is very low,  no scar left. This can be assured.

5, Burn the skin.

The principle of laser treatment is that light can selectively absorb spot from the skin, and only the pigment tissue will be absorbed, and with removed from the body by metabolism. So, the skin around the operation will not be burned.

It is recommended that you go to the formal beauty hospital or beauty clinic, and choose a professional doctor to treatment, so that the treatment has great protection. For more information, pleas click the official website http://starnewtech.com

