
What is the HydraFacial treatment? The HydraFacial treatment is the newest advance in non-laser skin resurfacing. HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating. The HydraFacial treatment improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation and brown spots. The HydraFacial procedure is suitable for most skin types, including thin or aging skin, ethnic skin, and dry skin or oily skin. Start your skin maintenance program now with HydraFacial to slow down your skin's aging process and delay the need for invasive procedures. Commonly Asked Questions: 1. Why is HydraFacial good for my skin? Hydration is the foundation of healthy radiant skin.
How Many Treatments Will I Need To Remove My Tattoo Completely? Laser tattoo removal is different for each client because every person and their tattoo is unique. Because of this, it is not possible to predict the exact number of treatments that a given tattoo will require for complete removal. If anyone claims otherwise, they are simply not being truthful with you! Actually, most professional tattoos take around 6 to 12 sessions to completely remove — sometimes less, occasionally more. The reason for the broad range is that there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. The number of sessions needed to remove a tattoo depends largely on the following factors: Fitzpatrick skin type (Lighter skin or darker skin?) Tattoo layering (Was the tattoo touched up or covered up?) Location on the body (On your neck or on your pinkie toe?) Ink colors (Plain black or vibrant colors too?) Amount of ink applied (Did the artist press hard to apply a lot of ink deep
The methods for scar removal The flawless skin is the pursuit of many patients with scars, but some accidents in life let us have scars ,which methods can remove these scars? We together look! First, drugs It is mainly to use some corrosive "drugs" to destroy scars locally, supplement with anti-inflammatory and myogenic drugs to promote healing, and the operation requirements are high and repair is slow; if the operation is careless and easy to produce new scars. Second, microcrystalline It is to spray high-speed natural crystals in a vacuum at the surface of uneven skin scars to stimulate skin growth and promote the production of collagen and elastic fibers. The advantage of this type of depressed scar repair method is that the treated surface is evenly and softly stressed; and the disadvantages are poorly targeted, and the number of treatments is many, and it is also subject to the objective impact of machine and personnel operations, and the effect fe
Laser Treatment of Toenail Fungus If you have toenail fungus, a laser treatment may be the answer. FDA has approved a few different types of laser devices for the treatment of onychomycosis, which is a fungal nail infection that causes changes in the appearance and texture of the nail. The gold standard for treating fungal nails has been prescription oral antifungal medications because they have been clinically more effective at clearing out the infection than topical antifungal treatments. But oral antifungal medications are often not an option for many people because of their side effects and potential interactions with other medications. Given that toenail fungal infection is such a prevalent problem with no easy cure, newer laser treatment options have sparked a lot of interest. Now that laser treatment services for nail fungus are growing and found in many podiatry offices, people are wondering how this treatment option compares to oral and topical medications. Cu
Why Carbon Laser Peel is more and more popular? A carbon peel is a revolutionary laser treatment that is completely painless with minimal-to-zero downtime. It is highly beneficial for people with oily skin, blackheads, enlarged pores, dull skin, and acne on the face or body. It is also an excellent way to exfoliate and refresh your skin, providing an instant refreshed appearance and leaving skin feeling softer, smoother and firmer. A layer of liquid carbon is applied to the skin, where it penetrates deep into the pores. Laser light is highly attracted to the carbon particles. When the laser is passed over the area, it destroys the carbon, taking dead skin cells, contaminants and oil with it. This treatment provides several benefits. Cleansing: Carbon has the ability to absorb oil and contaminants from deep within the pores. When the laser is passed over the treatment area it targets and destroys the carbon particles, taking any absorbed material with it.
What is difference between Liposuction and 3D lipo laser for weight loss? Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures to remove the fat cells from body. It maybe ideal for patients who have specific areas of localized fat deposits and have tried unsuccessfully to eliminate them through diet, exercise and weight loss.  However, it has some unknown side effect, like, Surgical Risks Side effects include swelling and bruises below the treated areas. Moreover, liposuction also puts the patient at risk for infection and blood clots. Skin Numbness Skin numbness occurs when the patient loses sensitivity in the area of the skin treated by the liposuction. The numbness typically dissipates after two to four months, but, it can also cause some people experience permanent skin numbness. Loose Skin   After liposuction surgery, a patient may be left with loose skin in the treated areas. It is difficult to  restore skin elasticity after surgery.
                       How many treatments does tattoo removal take? 1. How many treatments will it take to remove my tattoo? Each person is as unique as their tattoo, but most professional tattoos take between 5-10 treatments. Homemade tattoos usually take less. Laser tattoo removal treatments are spaced out 4-6 weeks apart. The number of treatments can depend on a number of factors, such as:   1-amount of ink used 2-depth of the ink placed in the skin 3-type of ink used 4-location 5-age of the tattoo 6-colors used 2 . Can I come back earlier than scheduled for the treatments? Unfortunately no, the time between treatments is set up so your tattoo can heal properly and your body has has enough time to flush the tattoo ink out, naturally.  The results, after a treatment, are not always immediate. The body breaks down the ink slowly, usually taking weeks to see the full results, from a treatment. 3 . Is the process painful? Most clients compare the p